Patient visitation suspended

Due to concerns about the increase of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in our communities, we are suspending patient visitation effective immediately.
All visitation within Mather Hospital including the Emergency Department and Transitional Care Unit (TCU) is suspended with the exception of:
1. Patients for whom a support person has been determined to be essential (medically necessary) to the care of the patient including patients with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and patients with cognitive impairments, including dementia.
2. Patients in imminent end-of-life situations may be permitted one family member and/or legal representative at a time, as a support person at the bedside. The Department of Health defines imminent end-of-life situations as a patient who is actively dying, where death is anticipated within less than 24 hours.
3. Pediatric visiting in Emergency Department is limited to one parent/guardian.
4. Adolescent Psychiatry visiting is limited to one parent/guardian between 3:30pm – 4:30pm and 6:30pm – 7:30pm.
Those visitors who meet these exceptions listed previously, must also meet the following:
• Visitors must be 18 years of age or older, have not been potentially exposed to someone with COVID-19, and be screened for symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, fever, etc.).
• Visitors are to wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), i.e. mask, gown, and gloves while in the patient area/room.
• Failure to agree to wear appropriate PPE will not be permitted.
• Visitors will be asked to stay in the patient room throughout the visit. When leaving the area/room visitors will remove PPE, perform hand hygiene, and exit the hospital.
• Visitors should not be present in the room/area during aerosol-generating procedures.