Mather Hospital’s 2 East, 2 East Bariatric, 2 South and Transitional Care Unit inpatient nursing units received awards from Northwell Health for achieving top patient satisfaction scores in 2020.

The North Star 90 Awards are presented to individual nursing units, facilities and physician practices within Northwell Health performing in the 90th percentile nationwide for patient satisfaction for the prior year. The 2 East Bariatric unit received the award for the third consecutive year.

Northwell Health Chief Experience Officer Sven Gierlinger joined Mather President Kenneth Roberts, Chief Nursing Officer/ VP for Nursing Marie Mulligan PhD, RN, Director of Medical Surgical Services Jeanne Brennan, MSN, RN, and Director of Patient & Customer Experience Justin Stroker, RN, in presenting the awards to each unit.

“Each recipient of the North Star 90 Award has performed in the top 10 percent of their care setting in patient experience for the entire year prior – a remarkable accomplishment,” said Stroker. “This year, Mather Hospital is proud to have four recipients of the North Star 90 Award. “We’d like to congratulate all of our team members for receiving this great honor and thank them for the lasting impressions they make on each and every one of Mather Hospital’s patients.”